About Tania
I dedicate my work as a teacher and a healer, to these personal principles:
- An honouring of the beauty and power within each and every individual.
- An absolute knowing that we are all capable of self healing and all capable of manifesting everything which we need.
- A belief in listening to, understanding and creating from my inner child and sharing her playfulness with the world.
- A lifelong love of music, dance and healing through movement – body, mind, spirit.
- A deep connection to women as the powerful nurturers, healers and medicine women on our planet.
- A passion for laughter, for fun, for spontaneity, adventure and play.
- A fascination for the human body and the story it can tell – the biography hidden within the biology.
- A celebration of the full circle from life to death, to life and the mystery it holds.
- A connection to energy, the universal “glue” of a world unseen that holds everything together in a web that has no weaver.
- Above all a deep reverence for all life.
With grateful thanks to the many, many people who have been my teachers. The healers, counsellors, authors, dance teachers and workshop leaders. Also, my unseen helpers, guides, angels, the medicine woman within. And most importantly, my family and friends, who have encouraged me in my work over many, many years.
Tania Bownes
Aromatherapist (since 1994)
Reiki Practitioner (since 1996)
Reflexologist (since 1997)
Nia Black Belt Teacher (teaching since 2003)
Ageless Grace teacher (since 2012)
Level 2 TRE Practitioner (Trauma and Tension Releasing Exercises) (since 2012)
TRE Advanced Provider (since 2017)
Fascia Release Practitioner (since 2013)
Yin Yoga Teacher (since 2020)
Hospice Volunteer Massage Therapist
(since 1999)