… is what happens when we “awaken” and see the beauty and joy in all life, all experiences, all people, plants, animals and minerals. Then we can truly celebrate all that we are and all that is. We can celebrate from a place of the deepest gratitude.
… is our birthright. The capacity to make our own choices, the experience of being. The experience of living from purpose, with contribution, in flow, becoming fully ourselves. Of truly knowing we are always enough, just as we are.
Celebrating Freedom
Radiant and rising into the new day of her life,
emerging from the core of earth’s heart,
she stands.
Spirit’s power freed, a cosmic dancer
with shoes of magic, leaping beyond all boundaries
and through darkness,
into her window of dreams come true……..
Celestial traveller
formed from three lights becoming one,
you are like the sun reaching for the moon,
in fullness of feeling,
while catching your morning star.
by Meredith Miller