Dolphin Delight Retreats

Angie Gullan was born to be with and delight with dolphins, and I have been privileged to be in the water and watch her interact with these magnificent animals. Swimming with the dolphins in Ponta do Ouro is one of the most heart-opening experiences you will ever have. They invite you in. Angie conducts the swims in the most reverent manner and never ever invades their space or chases them. That is why I say it is a privilege to be invited to get into the water with them. She monitors and researches them daily…..and we get to go along for the experience!
Next dolphin trip is planned for November 2018. Please contact Tania on if you are interested in going.

The Dolphin Delight retreat is structured as follows:

  • 8.30 am collect those not staying at de Charmoy at King Shaka Airport
  • 9:00 am – Travel to Farazela/Kosi Bay border post (approx 6 hours) in an airconditioned bus with trailer
  • Transfer to Ponta do Ouro (over the sandy dune roads!)
  • Accommodation (shared or single) in small family owned lodge with pool – 6 nights
  • Daily Brunch (after early morning dolphin trips) and dinner
  • Daily Nia class or Group TRE (tension and trauma releasing exercises) or yoga (all optional)
  • Daily meditation/contemplation time (optional)
  • A gentle and deeply relaxing Sound Journey with Courtney Ward, “dolphin whisperer” from Ponta Malongane
  • Informative talks and video shows on dolphins
  • 3 Dolphin “surfaris” into the bay with interactive dolphin swims (remember, these are wild animals and interactions are at their discretion)
  • Plenty of free time to walk the long beach, sit quietly and journal, swim, climb to the lighthouse, enjoy cocktails or just have fun under an African sun!

Additional costs:    

Airfares to Durban, optional stayover at de Charmoy Guesthouse night before we depart for the border, (just 10 mins from King Shaka Airport), drinks, additional meals, staff tips, hire of snorkelling kit, optional trip to the Sunset Bar in Ponta Malongane, additional dolphin swims if requested.

Dolphin Retreats

See below images from our Dolphin Retreats & select here to view videos.
(Click on the image to increase the size).

Dolphin Delight Retreat
Dolphin Delight Retreat
Dolphin Delight Retreat
Dolphin Delight Retreat
Dolphin Delight Retreat
Dolphin Delight Retreat
Dolphin Delight Retreat
Dolphin Delight Retreat
Dolphin Delight Retreat
Dolphin Delight Retreat
Dolphin Delight Retreat
Dolphin Delight Retreat
Dolphin Delight Retreat
Dolphin Delight Retreat
Dolphin Delight Retreat
Dolphin Delight Retreat
Dolphin Delight Retreat
Dolphin Delight Retreat
Dolphin Delight Retreat
Dolphin Delight Retreat